It is when we decide to not be afraid of sharing our story do we inspire others to do the same.

My journey with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis has been something I have always kept to myself. I feared that in sharing my story, people would think I was seeking attention or would only associate me with my disease. I didn't believe anyone would truly understand. 

Only recently have I decided to step out of this false narrative.

 In search of a community support group for teens with autoimmune and/or chronic illnesses, I found nothing

So, I created one. 

About ImmuniTeens

ImmuniTeens is a global community of adolescents and teenagers who are stepping up to share their journey with chronic and/or autoimmune illnesses. 

Stories can change the world, and our stories are no exception.

February 2024 Update~ ImmuniTeens has grown so much since the community first started!